Friday, April 29, 2011

Get rid of cuticles

Do you have awful thick dry peeling cuticles? If you do it is completely normal 6 out of 9 women have them.. Do not perform this procedure if your cuticles or the skin on your hands is injured, raw, or bleeding because it could worsen your condition.
One of the most common ways of treating dry, thick, or peeling cuticles is to try snipping off the dead skin with a cuticle nipper. The problem with this method is that it is difficult and even dangerous to perform on yourself. People often tend to nip off too much skin, which simply results in your skin growing back even thicker and, worse yet, you could easily cut too deeply and injure yourself. Furthermore, as a practical matter, it is virtually impossible to use cuticle nippers on yourself unless you’re ambidextrous because you’ll always be forced to use your left hand to trim the cuticles on your right (or vice versa if you’re a lefty).
But not to worry! We’ve got an easy and safe solution for you. First, start with clean, dry nails. Take a good, oil- and sugar-based body scrub and apply it to your cuticles and nail area. If you’re running a little short on time, you can do this while in the shower, but you’ll get the best results if you do this while your hands are still dry.
Gently massage the body scrub in small circles over the entire cuticle area, paying special attention to the part of your finger where the corner of the nail meets the skin. Spend approximately 30 seconds exfoliating the cuticle of each nail.
Rinse thoroughly and pat dry. Follow up your cuticle scrub by massaging a rich cuticle cream into the cuticle as well as the nail bed on each of your fingers. For really deep moisturizing, slather on some hand cream and slip on a pair of cotton gloves.
Again, the absolute key to this is maintenance. Perform the exfoliating procedure weekly and massage your cuticles and nails with a rich cuticle cream twice a day and we promise you can kiss those dry cuticles goodbye forever!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How to Apply Eyelasshes

How to apply false eyelashes

1. The first step and maybe the most important one when applying false eyelashes is to start with clean eye lids. The adhesive  will not stick to oil so be sure to use an oil-free eye makeup remover. Be sure not to use any oil-based makeup near your eyes.
2. The next step in applying false eyelashes is to choose a color and a length. For a natural look, stick with a color that matches your own shade of lashes. Blondes and light color haired gals can go with a light brown color, but all other gals should use dark brown or black. For a glamorous evening look everyone can go with black. Most false eyelashes will need to be trimmed, as the lashes are too long for most women. Be sure to trim just a little at a time. Then test run them by holding them on your eyelid and seeing how well they fit across your lid. You will probably have to trim the length as well. Be sure to curve them across your lid. Take off one or two lashes at a time to get just the right fit. Be sure they don’t extend past your eyelid as this will be very uncomfortable. Do all your trimming before applying the adhesive. Sharp scissors will do the trick.
3. Third step in applying false eyelashes is to add adhesive to the false eyelashes. Applying them with a dark lash glue. The dark glue helps define the lash line. Putting some on paper and using a toothpick can help. Let the adhesive become tacky, (this only takes about a minute), before applying the false eyelashes to your own eyelash line. Remember to never put the false eyelash adhesive directly on your own eyelid. The adhesive is meant only to be applied to the false eyelash itself. You certainly don’t want glue in your eye, and your certainly don’t want to glue your eye shut either!
4. While looking in the mirror, start applying your false eyelashes at the inside corner, press and hold the false eyelashes as close to your own lash line as possible If you feel your fingers are too big for this step you can use tweezers. Be very careful not to poke yourself in the eye.
5. If you’re using individual lashes or clumps, start at the outside and work toward the inner eye. You will only need a couple of individual lashes or clumps to achieve a natural look.
6. After apply the false eyelashes and letting them dry, take an eyelash curler and gently curl your new false eyelashes along with you own lashes
7. To unify the look of your new lashes apply liquid eyeliner over both. No mascara needed.
8. When you want to remove the false eyelashes, be gentle. Because your eye lids are so sensitive don’t pull your false eyelashes off without the use of eye makeup remover. Let the remover soak in for a couple of minutes. The oil will loosen the strip.
9. To use your false eyelashes again, clean them according to the manufacture’s directions. Be sure to pull off any remaining glue. Let them dry completely before putting them.
Wearing false eyelashes only on special occasions will keep your eyes from developing an infection or an irritation from the adhesive. Remember, practice makes perfect. Learning how to apply false eyelashes and correctly applying them can lift your spirits and make you feel like a celebrity!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Nails Nails Nails

1. To keep your nails hydrated, rub a small amount of petroleum jelly into your cuticle and the skin surrounding your nails every evening before you go to bed or whenever your nails feel dry.
2. Wear rubber gloves whenever you do housework or wash dishes. Most household chores, from gardening to scrubbing the bathroom to washing dishes, are murderous on your nails. To protect your digits from dirt and harsh cleaners, cover them with vinyl gloves whenever it’s chore time. And for extra hand softness, apply hand cream before you put on the rubber gloves.
3. When pushing back your cuticles (it is not necessary to cut them) come in at a 45-degree angle and be very gentle. Otherwise the cuticle will become damaged, weakening the entire nail,
4. Dry your hands for at least two minutes after doing the dishes, taking a bath/shower, etc. Also dry your toes thoroughly after swimming or showering.
5. Add a glass of milk and a hard-boiled egg to your daily diet. Rich in zinc, they’ll do wonders for your nails, especially if your nails are spotted with white, a sign of low zinc intake.

Natural Ways to make Hair Soft and Shiny

1.Comb Olive oil through your hair and towel dry it. Put your towel on your pillow and sleep overnight with it. Shampoo it out in the morning and your hair will be soft and shiny
2.Put mayonaise all over your hair, leave it on for twent minutes and then rinse it out, it leaves your hair soft  and shiny.
3. Dip your hair in a bowl of alcohol (beer) and leavi it on until it dries. When it does rinse it out and your hair will be frizzless and soft.
4.Try not to wear hair elastics as much. Have you ever noticed when you leave your hair up for a long time and use elastics with metal or the skinny plastic ones a ring of hair comes out with it.
5.DO NOT OVERBRUSH IT. You should brush your hair three times maximum a day. If you do more than this it breaks your hair and leaves it all frizzy. It looks bad and it wrecks your hair its not worth it.
6. dont shampoo and wash your hair everyday. It strips your hair of natural oils

Monday, April 25, 2011

Lighten Your Freckles Naturally

Lemon juice is a tried and tested remedy for treating freckles. Apply lemon juice with your fingers on the affected area; lemon juice bleaches the dark spots.

Regular use of fruit and vegetable masks such as those made with apricots, strawberries, cucumbers and red currant will help lighten freckles.

Wash your face with sour milk. Lactic acid promotes gentle peeling of skin minus the irritation or dryness.

Heat honey slightly and apply to face, tap face gently with your fingers. Wash honey off with warm water then rinse with cool water. Stir in a little quantity of wheat germ into the honey before applying.

Horseradish juice or horseradish vinegar, or oatmeal dabbed on the skin is also helpful in lightening freckles.

Apply parsley juice mixed with equal amounts of lemon juice, orange juice, and red currant juice under your favorite cream will help you keep your freckles invisible.

Apply odorless castor oil or vitamin E at night before going to bed.

Dissolve some sugar in the juice of one lemon. Apply mixture to each freckle with a brush.

Grind yellow mustard in milk and apply to the face during the night. Wash your face the next morning.

Onions also can be used for removing freckles and age spots. Slice a red onion in half and rub on the spots twice daily. Continue until the spots fade.

Applying buttermilk on freckles is thought to help in lightening them.

Mix an equal quantity of turmeric and sesame seeds. Grind in water and apply to the face.

Take a watermelon, make a hole in its rind and introduce some grains of rice in it. Take out the rice after a week. Grind into a paste and apply on the face.

To lighten freckles, mash 1/4 cup of unripe currants and mix with 1 tbsp. of unpasteurized honey. Put on freckles and leave on for half an hour. Rinse off with warm water and dab on diluted fresh lemon juice.

Make Acne go FAST!

Acne is a skin condition that occurs due to the overproduction of oil by the oil glands of the skin. The oil that normally lubricates the skin gets trapped in blocked oil ducts and results in what we know as pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads on the surface of skin!

1.The first thing you need to worry about is the dirt. You have bacteria dirt and germs on your hands, try not to touch your face during the day.
2.DIRTY PILLOWCASES! No one really  thinks about this but when you go to sleep your face is on a pillow, think of whats touching your face...from that pillow. Wash your pillow cases and sheets regularily.
3. Cleansers: Cleansers are a good idea, if you  get the right one for your skin, have someone do an assesment of your skin to help decide what type on cleanser you should use, cleansers can dry out your skin too, even if your acne prone you should moisturize your skin!
4. Sometimes even just caring for your skin isnt enough! So here are some things you can use alternativley. Pore strips: sticky strips you put on your nose or any where you have blackheads. you leave them on for a certain time and then slowly pull them off, the blackheads come with it.

So I hope some of these tips really help!

Summer Anyone?

Everyone loves summer, the warmth the flowers, but you'll notice as it gets hotter your skin gets drier, your hair gets frizzy. So here are some tips on how to deal with some of the problems that come along with summer!
1. Always wear sunscreen (i know it sounds basic but it is SO important)
2. Dont wash your hair everyday, it strips your hair of its natural oil leaving it dry and brittle.
3. Drink a ton of water, this keeps your skin healthy and moisturiized
     (quick fun tip- Your skin is your biggest organ!)
4. put moisturizing water based lotion on frequently!

I hope these tips help!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Moisturizing Dry Skin?

Is your skin on your face dry, flaky, sore? Well here is a solution!
Step 1. Wash your hands and face! Make sure there is no makeup or anything,

2. Exfoliate your face. Use an apricot scrub or a homemade one.
3. In a bowl, mash a banana and a tablespoon of honey.
4. Then using a spatula or your fingers, apply the paste to your face.
5. Let this sit for fifteen minutes.
6. using a warm clean washcloth wipe the paste off of your face gently
7. moisturize your face with a face moisturizer to lock in all the goodies you just put on your face. This will also help your face feel soft.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Girl Talk- Breakups

Every girls usually deals with one breakup or another, so the first step is realizing you are not alone. You have to understand that if you broke up it is usually for a reason, and if you find out that reason it might make you feel better...or worse. So be prepared. Girls are usually more emotional than boys and for that reason they confide more in their friends. Don't be afraid to cry. Crying is just realeasing all of your emotions, dont keep things bottled up inside or you will have a meltdown when your too stressed. There are always websites made for girls to share experiences and such and those are great, remember you are not alone, your friends should be there for you. With love.

Early morning tiredness?

So I woke up this morning (really late) because I've been tired lately it starts building up. If this is happening to you you should start maintaining a sleep cycle. Go to bed a certain time, and wake up a certain time everyday. This is called your sleep cycle and if you do this it will make you feel like you slept more and you'll feel less tired because it is a continuous thing every night and day.